Breath of Life - The Beguiler

by Orphaned Bookworm Productions

Orphaned Bookworm Productions



Tags: Archetypes Classes Fantasy Feats GM Tools Magic Magic Items Pathfinder 1e Player Aids Spells Treasure

Breath of Life - The Beguiler

Breath of Life: The Beguiler is our fifth product both in the Breath of Life product line. It harkens back to the sneaky spellcasting class of the same name in the 3.5 edition of a very popular table-top roleplaying system, though it is not a copy-paste update. No, this is a re-imagining of the class using new mechanics and systems to make it more fun and focused than other the other full spellcasters available in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The book has the following:

  • An all-new, 1-20 level spellcasting class focused on sneaking, trickery, and legerdemain. This includes a plethora of talents to fit your playstyle.
  • Ten archetype options to further tailor your beguiler further.
  • Eleven archetypes to bring sneaky and mystical abilities to other classes like the ghostly assassin archetype for the slayer.
  • Five other class options to add charming options to existing classes like the force mastery wizard subschool.
  • 13 new feats.
  • 70+ new spells focusing on illusions, enchantments and words of power,
  • New equipment, alchemical equipment, and weapons.
  • New magic rings, rods, staves and wondrous items
  • New magic weapon properties
  • An example NPC that uses the class mechanics you can use as a guide or as an NPC to interact with your players.

These options are guaranteed to bring subterfuge and trickery to your tabletop.

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