Advanced Feats: Secrets of the Alchemist

by Kobold Press

Kobold Press



Tags: alchemist feats Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition player options

Advanced Feats: Secrets of the Alchemist

The Secrets of the Alchemist gives you insight into the alchemist class and the tools to make an exciting character that is a blast to play.

Created by Sigfried Trent, this 12-page book includes:

  • A breakdown of the Alchemist class
  • 30 new feats for alchemists, such as Bottoms Up, Fire in the Hole, Primeval Fury, and Sundering Bomb
  • Alchemist character builds: The Carpet Bomber, Mighty Mutant, and Mad Scientist!

When the goblin chief asks you whats in all those funny bottles hanging from your belt, uncork a laboratory full of whoop-ass on him!

Get your copy of Advanced Feats: Secrets of the Alchemist todayand stay tuned in the months to come for the rest of the Advanced Feats series for the other new Pathfinder Roleplaying Game character classes.

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