Description Cards - Storytellers Deck - ILL INTENT Excerpt

by Conflict Games LLC

Conflict Games LLC



Tags: Cards fantasy

Description Cards - Storytellers Deck - ILL INTENT Excerpt

We Love Villains!

It can be difficult to find just the right word to describe a tone of ill intent and not just outright evil. These cards can help you do just that in your scene writing or storytelling.

Certain keywords like "murderous" carries with it ill intent. You will find herein, inspiring and unique ways to describe the wicked, foul or villainous characters in your story with the simple use of key venomous words. Each keyword comes with two brief examples.

The first, an example introduction of a character using the keyword and the second example illustrates an assault using the same keyword. Use both examples to set the tone of your villain or antagonist.

For Example:

Keyword: Venomous

Example #1: "Every word from this mouth is twisted with venom and spite, designed to cow and belittle."

Example #2: "Your opponent lashes out with the venomous wrath of a vengeful serpent."

This storytelling tool:

  • ...encourages writers to show, not just tell evil.
  • ...offers writing tips to add depth and drama to any of your story's characters.
  • for Tabletop Gamers and Gamemasters who wish to better express their character's emotions and these cards can be used right next to character sheets. Can tip your essay, blog, novel or gaming table from good to great!
  • ...allows you to flip through the cards at random to inspire new plot twists and character interest.
  • written for any genre.
  • system neutral and super flexible.
  • both a reference and a brainstorming tool.
  • ...offers fresh ways to describe emotions.
  • ...includes a collage of beautiful card art from Rafael Dorsz.

Conflict Games PDFs all contain the following features:

  1. Indexed: PDF contains a full Index for the entire suite of cards.
  2. Searchable: PDF is not just images of the cards, but contains fully searchable text
  3. Selectable: Each Action word and Description can be selected, highlighted or copied out of the PDF.
  4. High Resolution: Our PDFs are always print-resolution.
  5. Layered PDF: There are some decorative items within the presentation of the cards which you can choose not to print by un-selecting the adobe layer.
  6. Cut-lines: The PDF is designed for you to cut out the cards from your printed 8 1/2 x 11 sheet. Therefore we provide cut-lines to help you line up your scissors or cutting board.


Blank Cards: The background images of all the cards are provided with the PDF. This allows you to print out blank cards and fill in your own Action Words, Descriptions or Notes.

Try these cards, we think you are going to love them!

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