Player Paraphernalia #46 Flowing Water Style

by The Knotty-Works

The Knotty-Works



Tags: Enhanced Feats Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Player Paraphernalia #46 Flowing Water Style

Player Paraphernalia #46 Flowing Water Style

The Flowing Water Style allows the warrior to use a wide variety of weapon ranging from the bo staff to the Yueng Yang Blade in a style that allows the wielder to effectively make two weapon attacks, disarm foes, feint opponents, and even sunder weapons and armor. This feat style path allows characters to emulate the effects of other feats that may have limitations based on ability scores or class requirements. The supplement also introduces several new oriental weapons for the Pathfinder game including the Gunbai (war fan), Chin Zi Dao (double weapon), and Sun & Moon Ring.

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