Player Paraphernalia #158 The Phrenetic, The Psionic Monk Base Class

by The Knotty-Works

The Knotty-Works



Tags: Classes Fantasy Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Psionics SRD Enhanced

Player Paraphernalia #158 The Phrenetic, The Psionic Monk Base Class

Player Paraphernalia #158

The Phrenetic, The Psionic Monk Base Class

Welcome to issue #158 of the Player Paraphernalia series. This issue presents the Phrenetic, a new base class with the heart and conditioning of the monk empowered by the mind and his metaphysical being. Using the rules as presented in Dreamscarred Press' Ultimate Pisionics, the Phrenetic has the classical monk abilities of Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strikes, and an increased unarmed strike damage that increases as the Phrenetic levels up. However, instead of Ki points, the Phrenetic gains access to power points and uses them to fuel many of his abilities as well as relying on his psionic focus. And there is a plethora of options as to his class abilities as he fulfills his journey to perfect himself and the world about him.

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