The Genius Guide to the Shadow Assassin

by Rogue Genius Games

Rogue Genius Games



Tags: class options classes fantasy Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

The Genius Guide to the Shadow Assassin

This release introduces the Shadow Assassin, a new core class designed for use with the PFRPG. It is a stealth-oriented class, with an emphasis on fighting effectively with light or exotic weapons, powers designed to strike down a single foe, and mystic control of shadows that greatly increases the character's power in dim lighting and total darkness.

More than just killers, shadow assassins are masters of secret combat techniques focused on light and exotic weapons, tactics designed to single out and slay a single foe in direct confrontation, and of course a mystic connection to and manipulation of shadow. Traditionally trained in clans with histories going back centuries, shadow assassins may try to conceal their existence from the common population, or may be legendary enforces of specific religions or rulers. Shadow assassins must train for years in the same kinds of conditions monks and wizards do, and for most their path is a lifelong dedication to mastering the darkness and overcoming any lone target.

Super Genius Games is proud to announce a new line of products for use with the Pathfinder RPG. The Genius Guide series of products are short electronic books that feature new templates, classes, spells, prestige classes and/or magic items. For use by players and GMs, each Genius Guide is low-priced and ready to be dropped into your game.

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