The Genius Guide to Horrifically Overpowered Feats
The Genius Guide to Horrifically Overpowered Feats

This product is a bad idea. It contains a wide array of feats that are, as the title suggests, horrifically overpowered. The only way these feats can be considered 'balanced' is that they can make any character horrifically overpowered, so allowing them all into a campaign gives all the players (and monsters, and NPCs, and even minions) a chance to be ridiculously super-powered. And as long as everyone is super, it's all balanced out, right?
No, we know. Just... run with it a second, okay?
We're not suggesting any GM should allow these feats into a campaign. In fact, we advise against it. Seriously, the whole product is called 'Horrifically Overpowered Feats,' which seemed like a dead giveaway that we're not encouraging anyone to use these rules. The product is even being released on April 1st, 2012. April 1st. Get it?
Of course a GM can add these to a campaign. It's a bad idea, but the feats are all mechanically sound (in that they follow the normal format of feats and work with the normal rules of the game), and their effect on a character's abilities is clearly spelled out. It's just that these feats have a significantly greater impact on a character's overall effectiveness than any feat in the game's official rules. Heck, they have a significantly greater impact than any feat Rogue Genius Games has ever published. They do much more than a feat is supposed to do. They do so much, in fact, that there's no way to grant the benefits these feats represent without making whatever character receives them much, much more powerful than characters are supposed to be.
In many ways, these feats are classic bad examples, doing exactly the sorts of things feats shouldn't. If you ever design a feat you expect to work in a normal campaign and it looks a lot like one of these feats, that's a clear sign you've done something wrong.