The Genius Guide to Exalted Domains of War and Ruin

by Rogue Genius Games

Rogue Genius Games



Tags: fantasy GM Tools Magic Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Player Aids Spells

The Genius Guide to Exalted Domains of War and Ruin

Although classes such as the oracle, druid, and inquisitor all have a special connection with the divine, perhaps no class has a deeper or more powerful bond to the gods than the cleric. Clerics show this deep devotion to their deity in many ways, one of the most important of which is the selection of their two granted domains. The choice of specific domains helps to shape and define the cleric, and it defines what aspects of their gods are foremost in the cleric's faith and worship.

Some clerics, however, choose not to divide their energy and devotion between two different domains. Instead they dedicate themselves completely to a single domain, becoming paragons of one aspect of their deities. In return for sacrificing the flexibility and power that comes from a second domain, such clerics gain deeper understanding of one philosophic concept, unlocking more potent abilities linked to their chosen divine focus. This greater understanding and might comes in the form of an Exalted domain.

In this product we introduce the concept of the Exalted domain, and we present a selection of domains that some might consider offensive in nature. In future products (The Genius Guide to Exalted Domains of Lore and Light, and The Genius Guide to Exalted Domains of Storms and Savagery) we'll examine the remaining domains and subdomains, creating a line of books that present new options for clerics of every conceivable background.

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