The Feybinder Class

by Total Party Kill Games

Total Party Kill Games



Tags: Archetypes Classes Fantasy Horror Magic Magic Items Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

The Feybinder Class

The feybinder is an individual in touch with the fantastical world of the Fey; one who has attracted the attention of the Seelie or the Unseelie Courts and been blessed with incredible gifts as a result. The feybinder is similar in nature to a spellcaster, but they do not cast spells; they instead master powerful fey magicks called glamours.

The feybinder relies upon a unique combination of supernatural abilities granted to her by her patron within the Fey Court. These powers, called Glamours, offer the feybinder a wide-range of supernatural fey powers. Their patron also grants access to certain spell-like abilities as they grow in strength and trust with the Fey Court. Lastly is their namesake ability, the ability to conjure fey spirits from The Dreaming realm to aid them in a very wide variety of situations.

The feybinder is a full 20-level class, complete with 60 pages of content including 46 glamours, 16 patrons, 5 magic items, 15 feats, 2 templates, 2 class archetypes and even favored class bonuses for a wide array of races. In addition, the entire pdf is extensively bookmarked and hyperlinked to the d20pfsrd website for ease of use.

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