Ponyfinder: Princess Luminace's Guide to the Pony Pantheon

by Silver Games LLC

Silver Games LLC



Tags: Archetypes Fantasy Feats Magic Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Ponies Pony Ponyfinder Races Spells Traits

Ponyfinder: Princess Luminace's Guide to the Pony Pantheon

Studying the habits, origins, and potential futures of my fellow divine beings has lead me to better understanding of the universe itself! To be unbiased, I have included a study of my own divinity and some interesting test cases surrounding myself.

Table of contents:

  • Detailed divine portfolios of the pony pantheon.
  • In-depth analysis of two species created with the help of divine providence.
  • Numerous incantations and techniques worthy of further study.
  • Catalogs of esoteric and unusual methods of approaching standard methodologies.
  • Distinguishing traits and feats unearthed from across Everglow
  • Musings into the nature of divinity itself and our part in it.
This book contains all the content of Day and Night, Forgotten Gods of Everglow, Ascencion (not elsewhere released) and more!
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