Mythic Mastery - The Mythic Glabrezu

by Necromancers of the Northwest

Necromancers of the Northwest



Tags: bestiary Enemies fantasy monsters Mythic Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Mythic Mastery - The Mythic Glabrezu

Can You Handle the Power?

While many consider the succubus the demon that best exemplifies temptation, it is the glabrezu a horrible amalgamation of body parts out of a mad wizard's worst nightmare that is the true tempter of the abyss. These creatures corrupt mortals not only with promises of carnal pleasure, but with wealth, power, everlasting life, and any other dark and twisted wish that the mortal mind can imagine. While even the lowest of these fell creatures carries great power, and the ability to bend reality to their will in order to corrupt a mortal soul, a select few glabrezus stand out above the rest as paragons of their kind. These are the mythic glabrezu.

This books presents game statistics for a mythic glabrezu, including several unique abilities never seen elsewhere. It also contains a selection of general mythic abilities that can be given to a wide variety of monsters when they are made mythic, with a special focus on abilities that are thematically appropriate for demons, devils, and other fiendish creatures. Finally, it includes rules for performing special rituals that can be enacted by players of any class in order to summon a mythic glabrezu, which come with both specific game rules for doing so and detailed flavorful descriptions.

The Mythic Mastery series of products builds and expands on the rules for mythic characters introduced in Mythic Adventures. Each Mythic Mastery provides new content and rules for mythic games, with a focus on a single theme or area of play. While some of the content provided in Mythic Mastery products requires the use of mythic characters and a mythic adventure, others, such as those focused on exploring mythic monsters, can be used in games of every sort.

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