50 Kobold Encounters

by Total Party Kill Games

Total Party Kill Games



Tags: Encounters Fantasy Kobolds Monsters Pathfinder 1e

50 Kobold Encounters

50 Cunning Kobold Encounters

It's game day, your party has been finally reached the your randomly generated cavern complex and it's time to roll up some random encounters.  The dice rattle, and you feel  the adrenaline course through your veins, like adventurerers saving versus traps... only to roll - kobolds - again, and your mind blanks...

Don't be that guy.  Our new 50 ENCOUNTERS series gives you fifty, yes - FIFTY fun, interesting, often challenging, themed encounters, complete with challenge rating calculations, XP and interesting twists.  Your players will think you are a brilliantly creative game master, with no two encounters ever the same. 

We'll never tell.  It can be our little secret.

Don't let your game have disadvantage because of boring encounter tables.  Level up your game with Total Party Kill Games' 50 ENCOUNTERS!

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