Legendary Races: Wyrmtouched

by Legendary Games

Legendary Games



Tags: Archetypes Classes Fantasy Feats GM Tools Magic Items Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Player Aids Races SRD Enhanced Traits

Legendary Races: Wyrmtouched

Unleash the Blood of the Dragon!

Legendary Races: Wyrmtouched is the first volume in our new series of race focused player supplements, and for this project, we’ve chosen a race with a very iconic heritage, dragons! This base race was designed to infuse games with draconic flavor, not only through the race itself but with a multitude of dragon styled traits, archetypes, feats, and new drake options to further suffuse your game world with the might of these awesome creatures. The wyrmtouched is a fully fleshed out race with motives, goals, plot hooks, and everything else you could want from a race that will fit fully into any campaign setting (with special care given to discuss how to insert the wyrmtouched into your setting of choice). Plus with archetypes such as the Breath Savant designed to help wyrmtouched get the best of their breath weapon, Dragon Champion to allow you to channel the might of dragons into your weapons, and Scaled Scion to let you live the fantasy of a spellcasting wyrm warrior, Legendary Races: Wyrmtouched has enough to satisfy players who simply want to include more dragons in their games without involving a new race. Grab this incredible 44-page Pathfinder Roleplaying Game supplement today and Make Your Game Legendary!

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