20 for 20 5E MEGA-BUNDLE III

by Legendary Games

Legendary Games



Tags: 5th Edition Adventure (High-Level) Adventure (Low-Level) Adventure (Mid-Level) Archetypes Bundle Classes Fantasy Feats Future GM Tools Horror Magic Magic Items Megabundle Monsters/Enemies Player Aids Sci-Fi Spells SRD Enhanced Super-Hero Treasure

20 for 20 5E MEGA-BUNDLE III

20 for 20 turns THREE!

If you've never sampled the incredible 5E product lines from Legendary Games, now is the time, times three! In addition to our amazing 20 for 20 and 20 for 20 II MEGA-BUNDLES, now you have a third batch of all-new products ranging from fairy forests to Egyptian ruins, Gothic horror to high seas pirate adventure, intrigue, deepest evil, and even venturing to the stars and beyond! For the entire month of September, you can save nearly 90% on almost 800 PAGES of adventures and accessories for your 5th Edition game, bringing you adventures ranging from 1st level to 10th level, monsters from meek minions to mighty menaces, magic items from common everyday treasures to mighty artifacts, ready-to-use creatures and characters, and much, much more, all with amazing artwork, delightful design, and flat-out 5E fun!We hope you love every one of these products and that you'll keep an eye out for even more amazing 5E products releasing every month from Legendary Games!

Beasts of Legend: Construct Codex
Beasts of Legend: Fairy Tale Creatures
Book of True Evil
Dungeon Archetypes
Faerie Bargains
Fey and Forest Classes
Legendary Villains: Dark Druids
Legendary Worlds: Melefoni
Legendary Worlds: Calcarata
Legendary Worlds: Carsis
Legendary Worlds: Terminus
Nautical Heroes
Royal Tournaments
Treasury of the Fleet
Treasury of the Kingdom
Treasury of the Machine

1st level - 2099 Wasteland: Bally N'Tour
2nd level - Trail of the Apprentice: The King's Curse
3rd level - Trail of the Apprentice: The Thieves' Den
10th level - Legendary Planet: Confederates of the Shattered Zone

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