Beneath the Festered Sun (Savage Worlds)

by Legendary Games

Legendary Games



Tags: Adventure (Low-Level) Fantasy Horror Savage Worlds

Beneath the Festered Sun (Savage Worlds)

The Dead Sun Rises!

When a heretical priestess met execution at the hands of conspirators, her immortal consort vowed to carry out her dying curse. Now, after centuries of plotting and waiting, the sky and stars have aligned perfectly to finally unleash her long-simmering revenge. Amidst the excitement over this celestial conjunction, a lone voice proclaiming the coming danger is mysteriously silenced and the wrath of the burning sun smites the population with a scorching curse. The authorities are overwhelmed, but can your heroes forestall this agonizing vengeance set in motion ages ago? To save the soul of a city, they must confront its past and its present to save its future, destroying the accursed avatars of a long-dead enemy—all before the twilight of the Festered Sun.

Beneath the Festered Sun is a Novice-level adventure for Savage Worlds. Set in a fantastic Egyptian-style kingdom long since fallen into decay and corruption, it features a blend of dungeons to explore, mysteries to unravel, and interludes of intrigue and battle alike in and around the necropolis of Owot-ti, with opportunities for characters of every kind to shine. Unleash this awesome 36-page adventure on your heroes and Make Your Game Legendary!

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