Primal Heroes: The Knave

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: 3rd Edition/3e Archetypes Classes d20 d20/OGL

Primal Heroes: The Knave

Primal Heroes: The Knave

Page Count:
System: OGL Fantasy
Stone Age Fantasy

Say Goodbye to Rogue Prestige Classes Forever!

Are you tired of your character being constrained by paths and archetypes? Do you wish you could switch your rogue's Sneak Attack damage for something else? Maybe you would like to drop Trapfinding and focus on your combat skills? Perhaps you would prefer a rogue with the Poison Use, Death Attack, and Spell Casting abilities? Or maybe you would like to play an assassin with more special attacks and no spells, or a bard with Sneak Attack instead of Bardic Knowledge?

The Knave is a new core class for fantasy OGL games that uses an innovative progression system, allowing for ultimate customization of your character beginning at 1st level. Choose from over 140 different abilities like Wounding Strike, Legend Lore, Derision, and many others to create the roguish hero of your dreams. With the vast array of options available in this supplement, you can craft an assassin, a sleuth, an adventurer, a conman, a storyteller, or any other concept you might have. A bard without spells, a bounty hunter with Crippling Strike, a street urchin with Artful Dodge, a spell-wielding highwayman with Knockout Punch; all these and more are possible with the options presented in this supplement. Become a deadly master of precision fighting with abilities like Tactical Strike and Reach Around. Flee from your enemies with abilities like Increased Movement, and Leaps and Bounds. These and more than 140 other innovative and well balanced special abilities are available in this supplement to help you craft any roguish character concept you might have without ever taking a prestige class again!

This supplement comes in two formats. The onscreen version fully embraces the advantages of electronic publishing and features plenty of color, artwork, internal and external hyper-links, and other features to facilitate onscreen viewing. A printable version of these rules is also included in the download. The printable version has no artwork or fancy layout design. It is raw text in 12 point font, designed to be merciful on your ink cartridge.

Within This File:

*140+ roguish class abilities

*Advancement tables 

*2 formats (onscreen and printer friendly)

 *Clean and Unclean spell lists (1st -6th level)

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