Ongoing Investigations - Character Options For Investigators (PFRPG)

by Necromancers of the Northwest

Necromancers of the Northwest



Tags: Archetypes Fantasy Feats GM Tools Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Ongoing Investigations - Character Options For Investigators (PFRPG)

The Game is Afoot!

Do you love the investigator class from Paizo’s Advanced Class Guide, but find yourself wishing that there were a few more options available for investigator characters? Perhaps you’d have liked to have seen some archetypes that were tailor-made for popular character types from mystery novels, movies, and television, such as corrupt detectives, investigators with drug habits, or cold and detached crime scene analysts? Maybe you wish that there was a version of the investigator that cast real spells, instead of using alchemy, and who might have unusual abilities to solve magical crimes? If so, then this book is for you, because it has all that and more!

Inside this tome you’ll find nine detailed new investigator archetypes spanning eight pages, fifteen new investigator talents, plus sixteen new feats and sixteen new spells, which benefit not only investigators, but characters of any class who are interested in finding clues, making deductions, and generally solving mysteries. An added benefit, the book also contains a section with helpful tips and tricks for constructing and running a mystery-focused adventure, which has obvious uses if you’re the GM of your party, but also serves any player interested in playing such a game with a convenient way to hint to their GMs on the subject, while also providing those GMs with useful advice on how to make those desires come true.

Whether you just want to give your existing an investigator an extra edge, or are looking to start up an entire mystery game from the beginning, or anywhere in between, this book has something for anyone with a love of mystery, crime, or investigators.