Mind over Matter: Psychic Warrior, Aegis & Vitalist

by d20pfsrd.com Publishing

d20pfsrd.com Publishing



Tags: aegis archetypes BONUS class options classes enhanced fantasy Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Player Aids player options psionics psychic warrior

Mind over Matter: Psychic Warrior, Aegis & Vitalist

Mind Over Matter provides new psionics options including new archetypes, psionic powers, feats, and more for psionics-wielding characters.

The Bulwark Sovereign Aegis Archetype
Bulwark sovereigns focus their psionic prowess into creating the most potent protective gear that has ever been created. Bulwark sovereigns believe that their greatest contribution to their allies is to be the shield before the blow, protecting their allies from any incoming harm. With pure hearts and noble ideals, they rush to the forefront of battle or debate, placing the needs of those that they protect before their own. Rare indeed is the bulwark sovereign that fails to stand proud before the might of an enemy, be it on the field of battle or at the negotiating table.

Reverie Templar Psychic Warrior Archetype

The mind is a treacherous landscape within which to wage war, and the reverie templar knows this better than most. Inviting foes into their own minds, they can create the perfect conditions under which to combat their adversaries. It's a dangerous tactic, but one that works to their advantage far more often than not. As they grow in strength, they learn how to project the imagined conditions of their minds out into the world to a limited extent, crafting reality to their whims to influence the tides of battle.

Verdant Metamorph Vitalist Archetype

Most vitalists use their powers to heal, but that is not the only function of their particular talents. There are others that are perfectly capable of changing their own bodies by the force of their own will rather than just repairing the damage caused by others. These verdant metamorphs are far more dangerous than they let on. They often masquerade as druids, keeping mostly to themselves and avoiding other psychics, but there are those that live the life of adventurers and keep company beyond themselves.

Vivere Vitalist Archetype

The vivere is a peculiar sort of being; full to overflowing with living energies that they are able to psychically manipulate in any number of ways. They often display over-the-top behaviors, whether those mannerisms are constructive in nature, or destructive. They are certainly vibrant characters that sometimes mesh very well with groups of adventurers, but some prefer to travel the world alone, living life to the fullest and beyond. Few are those that would come across one of the mysterious vivere and not know that they had met such an exuberant being. Standard vitalists and vitalists of other archetypes do not possess the ability to learn this method.

New Psionics Feats

  • Artful Opening: You are able to create a brief weakness that can make you look like an attractive target to your foes, then use that to your advantage.
  • Aware Within the Dream: It becomes very difficult to surprise you when you set the rules.
  • Controlled Burn: You are able to control some of the abundant life-force that dwells within you.
  • Gatesealer: While some others may prefer to bash doors and gates down to gain entry, there are others that prefer to prevent others from passing through them instead.
  • Ingenious Repartee: When fighting defensively, you are more adept than most.
  • Liberated Senses: Rare are the opponents that can get the drop on you.
  • Mettle Plating: When you create your astral forgeform, you are able to increase your defensive mastery.
  • Vibrant Pulse: You don't just heal plants. You are also capable of healing animals and allies as well.

    New Psionics Powers

    • Mind Thorns: You are able to fling a sharp psychic thorn from your forehead as a ranged touch attack that causes 1d3 points of damage.
    • Philosophical Excursion: You send your mind to another plane of existence (an Elemental Plane or some plane farther removed) in order to receive advice and information from powers there.

    BONUS! Mythic Mayhem!

    This product also includes BONUS CONTENT intended for mythic play. You will require Mythic Adventures to use this bonus material. Each future book in the Mind over Matter series is planned to contain additional bonus mythic material.

    Written by Peter K. Ullmann

    This product includes hyperlinks to the Pathfinder SRD http://www.d20pfsrd.com

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