Pathways #67: Remembrance (PFRPG)

by Rite Publishing

Rite Publishing



Tags: Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Pathways #67: Remembrance (PFRPG)

Pathways of Remembrance!

How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monster rules, and variant masterwork weapons?

This issue is a special edition dedication to Rite Publishing's founder Steven D. Russell.

You'll find fantastic spells (Dave Paul), creature templates(Owen K.C. Stephens), 10 Things Article (Creighton Broadhurst), featured articles by Ben McFardland and Wendall Roy that focus on our monthly theme of Rememberance, and the Path Less Traveled by Jacob E Blackmon.

Featured Cover Artist: Jacob Blackmon.