Mythic Mastery - Mythic Efreeti

by Necromancers of the Northwest

Necromancers of the Northwest



Tags: fantasy Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Mythic Mastery - Mythic Efreeti

Lords of Fire and Magic!

There can be no doubt that the efreeti are a powerful and fearsome race. They rule the Elemental Plane of Fire with a red-hot, molten iron fist. Their capital, the fabled City of Brass, is known throughout the multiverse as a great center of learning, culture, trade, and much more. Even the least among them is skilled in magic, by mortal standards, and their race was ancient when man and elf first came into being. They are also a proud race, and chafe at the thought of being forced to serve lesser beings, but the threat of fiery vengeance does little to dissuade the numerous spellcasters who nonetheless take it upon themselves to summon and bind efreet for their own mysterious purposes. It is rumored among these circles that there are some efreet who rival—or even exceed—the greatest efreeti nobles in power, and these are the mythic efreeti.

This book presents game statistics for a mythic efreeti, which has several unique abilities never seen elsewhere. A mythic efreeti can breathe clouds of thick black smoke on a whim to blind and disable their foes. They can also burn with much greater intensity than their lesser kin, and their ability to change the size of other creatures is enhanced as well. Perhaps their most notorious power is their ability to bind foes with golden shackles that impair their ability to fight, and also their ability to resist the mythic efreeti’s power. Finally, in addition to the mythic efreeti itself, the book contains rules for performing special rituals that can be enacted by characters of any class in order to summon a mythic efreeti, as well as two such rituals: the flame warrior’s calling, and the invocation of the chained sultan.

The Mythic Mastery series of products builds and expands on the rules for mythic characters introduced in Mythic Adventures. Each Mythic Mastery provides new content and rules for mythic games, with a focus on a single theme or area of play. While some of the content provided in Mythic Mastery products requires the use of mythic characters and a mythic adventure, others, such as those focused on exploring mythic monsters, can be used in games of every sort.

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