RPG Creator Relief Fund (RCRF) 2023 BUNDLE

by Samurai Sheepdog

Samurai Sheepdog



Tags: 5th Edition Adventure (High-Level) Adventure (Low-Level) Adventure (Mid-Level) Archetypes Classes Fantasy Feats Future GM Tools Magic Magic Items Monsters/Enemies Old School/OSR Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 2e Races Sci-Fi Skills Spells Starfinder Traits Treasure

RPG Creator Relief Fund (RCRF) 2023 BUNDLE

24 of Samurai Sheepdog's most popular books--[b]valued at over $470[/b]--for only $24.95 through July 4th, 2023 We're looking to help our fellow creators, and to do that, Samurai Sheepdog has created this limited-time bundle of 24 of our most popular tabletop roleplaying options for Pathfinder (1e and 2e) and the 5th edition* of the world's most recognized RPG.

In addition to providing 100% of profits from 'Like a Boss' to help Owen K.C. Stephens with continued medical expenses, we're using a portion of the proceeds here to finish that book and donating the rest to the RPG Creator Relief Fund (RCRF for short). The RCRF helps rpg creators much like Owen in cases of emergency by providing them aid in overcoming the disasters that may strike unexpectedly. Not everybody has the same reach in our industry, and the RCRF is there to assist creators who help make our hobby better.

*content also includes some Starfinder options. Cypher System, Level Up (A5e) and OSRIC content exclusive to 'Like a Boss'.


  • Beyond the Mundane: Magical Options for Spellcasters
  • Haunted Eve - Guide to the Scribe's Marsh
  • Lands of Theia - 5th Edition
  • Lands of Theia - Pathfinder 1st Edition
  • Lands of Theia - Pathfinder 2nd Edition
  • Like a Boss - A Book of Boss Encounters
  • Mystical: Kingdom of Monsters Anniversary Edition
  • Name's Games 2019 Exclusive Collection
  • Name's Games 2020 Exclusive Collection
  • Name's Games 2021 Exclusive Collection
  • Name's Games 2022 Exclusive Collection
  • S-Class Psionic Compendium
  • The Ar'kesh
  • The Book of Many Things
  • The Book of Many Things Campaign Exclusive Content
  • The Book of Many Things Volume 2: Shattered Worlds
  • The Book of Many Things Volume 3: Realms of Magic
  • The Book of Many Things: DLC Snidier Cut
  • The Eldritch Archives of Osiris - Archetypes Part 1
  • The Faithful Few
  • The Stonehewn Legacy 1: The Many Facets of the Diamond City
  • The Stonehewn Legacy 2: Sailing the Steaming Seas
  • The Stonehewn Legacy 3: Veins of Corruption
  • The Wayfaring Guide to Haven