S-Class Characters: Time Wardens

by Samurai Sheepdog

Samurai Sheepdog



Tags: Archetypes Classes Fantasy Magic Pathfinder 1e

S-Class Characters: Time Wardens

==What's Inside==

  • Updated text for the time warden's class features and rules.
  • Three Chronal Studies that any time warden can select beginning at 3rd level. Form a bond with your ancient self, far future self, or a concurrent evolution of yourself from a timeline where you exist as a different type of creature.
  • Sample aevum and spells.
  • Favored Class Bonuses that you can select as a standard or s-class time warden.
  • An updated spell list which now includes spells from all Pathfinder 1e.
  • A full, 20-level s-class that you can bring to the table right beside others like it, including the original s-class, the summoner.

Special thanks to Owen KC Stephens and Rogue Genius Games for creating the original time warden class, and for allowing us to add it to our s-class character options.


"The original Pathfinder RPG summoner class is fine."

I'm glad you think so. In that case, you're going to love the s-class time warden, which has been balanced around the same general power level as the original summoner while still remaining fully compatible with a standard adventuring party. In fact, we are retuning every other class to be on par with that one, and the time warden is just one such offering. If this proves popular, we'll be sure to release more, and eventually collect them into a full book for POD.

In addition to the s-class description, this is a full-use document for your character. No need to look at other books unless you need to know greater details, such as feat prerequisites and such (we intentionally summarize these so they're usable, but you have a reason to pick those up if you want to use them outside of the context of the s-class character).

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