Pathways #57 (PFRPG)

by Rite Publishing

Rite Publishing



Tags: Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Periodical (Magazines etc.)

Pathways #57 (PFRPG)

Pathways #57 (PFRPG)

The Pathways of Weapons!

How can you say to no to even more FREE Pathfinder content. A walking weapon creature, 23 new weapon special abilities, Weapons of India, Dungeon Dressings for gelatinous cubes and orc raids, plus a shadow spell showcase, as well as episode #22 of the Path Less Traveled Comic by Jacob Blackmon. If you say no, Steven D. Russell and cover artist Irina Kuzmina, will let the walking weapon wyvern make your weapons part of her body (then kill you)!

Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content you can bring to nearly any table. You'll find articles by Mike Welham (Pathfinder Module: Doom comes to Dustspawn), Scott Gladstien (Dragon, Tiger, OX), Steven D. Russell (Book of Monster Templates) and Creighton Broadhurst (Raging Swan Press) plus an interview with the force behind Shattered Skies, Robert Gresham of Wayward Rogues Publishing.

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