Pathways #17

by Rite Publishing

Rite Publishing



Tags: fantasy Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Periodical (Magazines etc.)

Pathways #17

Don't let hellfire bar your Pathways, get yours for FREE!

How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, archetypes, feats, and monsters? If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Claudio Pozas will send a Hellfire Creature after you.

Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll find articles by Michael Welham (Rpg Superstar and #30 Badges of Faith) Steven D. Russell (101 Not So Simple Templates), Crieighton Broadhurst (Raging Swan Press), Ron Lundeen (Ron Amok Games), Thomas LeBlanc (#30 Battle Standards), Will Myers (AdventureaWeek) David Paul (Pathways Editor-in-Chief, and Editor of the 101 Series). Including Cartography by Eric Blische (Adventure Quarterly #1). Also you will find the top products with reviews by Endzeitgeist, and an interview with Gary McBride (Way of the Wicked) of Fire Mountain Games.

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