Ultimate Relationships #1: The Lonely Lyrakien
Ultimate Relationships #1: The Lonely Lyrakien

Ultimate Relationships #1: The Lonely Lyrakien
The Lonely Lyrakien is a charming sprite, a heavenly emissary of Lady Luck, and a companion to heroes. With her former master long lost, she seeks new adventure in the company of those with the courage to overthrow tyranny without and to follow their lucky stars on a journey to discover new lands and new adventures even as they discover the truth hidden in their own hearts.
The original Ultimate Relationships provided the basic rules and structure for building effective and fun relationships with NPCs in the game. This ongoing series takes that a step further by providing you with a fully developed, robustly detailed NPC in every product, with a full stat block and roleplaying notes as well as details on building a deep and rewarding relationship with the character. Some of the characters in this series are drawn from published Adventure Paths, others from Legendary Games products, and still others are entirely new. Each installment includes the character's game statistics as well as the relationship characteristics that make them a long-running campaign character that your players will talk about for years to come.
In addition to these individual characters, we occasionally create special character bundles presenting a number of core NPCs associated with a particular published Adventure Path, such as Imperial Relationships, which describes how to use the Ultimate Relationships rules in the Far Eastern Adventure Path, including four relationship links, one each for the Caravan Master, Destined Empress, Elven Protector, and Mystic Seer, with further modules to come to further expand the available NPC relationships in that Adventure Path as well as others.
Ultimate Relationships contains a system for relationships that provides a meaningful progression and story for the significant NPCs your PCs might encounter in the course of a campaign, including secrets to uncover as the relationship progresses, and hurdles for the PC and the NPC to overcome together. Unlike other relationship systems that bottleneck on certain skills, often Diplomacy, Ultimate Relationships allows everyone to progress and reveal the NPC’s story at their own rate; it just might take some characters longer than others.
This product contains a set of core relationship rules for making these kinds of interactions between PCs and NPCs a rich and vibrant part of your campaign. They are suitable for use in any campaign, but for groups playing in the official published Adventure Paths we will also be releasing a series of modules featuring the core NPCs from those Adventure Paths, as well as new NPCs introduced in the respective Adventure Path Plug-Ins from Legendary Games.
The first such product, Imperial Relationships, describes how to use these rules in the Far Eastern Adventure Path, including four relationship links, one each for the Caravan Master, Destined Empress, Elven Protector, and Mystic Seer, with further modules to come to further expand the available NPC relationships in that Adventure Path as well as others.