Monster Menagerie: Kingdom of Graves

by Rogue Genius Games

Rogue Genius Games



Tags: bestiary fantasy monsters Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Monster Menagerie: Kingdom of Graves

Welcome to the Kingdom of Graves, the second in our line of Monster Menagerie monster books for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Each volume in this line presents a small set of monsters tied to a single theme, but spread over a range of CRs. For the Kingdom of Graves, that theme is undead with a place at court. Rather than a random collection of tomb-dusters, author Sam Hing has put together an awesome set of cold ones that tie into twisted versions of the common fantasy kingdom. We have lords, knights, maidens-in-waiting, couriers, and even siege engines, all from the black courts of the dead.

This collection can be helpful to GMs in many different ways. Since the foes within range from CR 3 to CR 15, they can simply be used to augment the ranks of any undead encounter with something the players haven't seen before. However, they can also form the frame for a whole new threat should the GM decide to create a literal kingdom of graves. Whether it's a single castle that suffered some horrid deathless fate, a land that toils under undead horrors that openly rule mortal subjects, or a more subtle threat where a few undead lords have begun to infiltrate the lands of the living, the kingdom of graves can provide an ongoing problem for a group of PCs. Augmented with zombie soldiers, ghoul squires, and wight generals, the monsters provided here can form the backbone of an entire campaign arc, if a GM chooses to employ them in such a manner.

However you choose to terrorize your players, we're hopeful you'll find something useful in our second Monster Menagerie. Now, ready yourself for the first course of the Feast of Flesh; the lich tyrant is calling for order, the dark messengers have brought news from abroad, and the bloodknights are looking for a fellow knight to challenge.