Advanced Races 11: Shadow Fey

by Kobold Press

Kobold Press



Tags: fantasy Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Player Options Races

Advanced Races 11: Shadow Fey

Slip Through the Shadows!

Refined and ruthless, the shadow fey are masters of the Plane of Shadows, and that dark land's code governs their magic, their plots, and their clearly superior view of things. Best never to cross them, for their memories are centuries long.

With powerful shadow magic, a peculiar mastery of time and distance, and obscure codes for dueling and courtship, the shadow fey are maddeningly difficult for others to confront, let alone defeat. But among themselves, they are a friendly crew, and those they consider friends find them strangely loyal and fiercely protective of their sworn companions.

Advanced Races: Shadow Fey gives you everything you need to play a shadow fey adventurer. This 19-page sourcebook by Carlos and Holly Ovalle includes:

  • the origins and mysteries of the shadow fey, as well as details of their peculiar style, courts, and fashions--insofar as humans can understand such things!
  • 5 new shadow fey racial traits: including Deadly Smile and Shadow Affinity, plus 3 half-elf racial traits including Shadow Fey Blood
  • 11 new feats including Commend, Condescend, Court Noble, Disparage, Fey Birthright, Shadow Walker, and Stealth in Motion
  • 4 class expansions: A new cavalier Order of the Swan, as well as a Shadow Fey bloodline, new rogue advanced talents, and 3 new Shadowsworn shadow talents
  • 2 new archetypes: the Dread Hunter and the Twilight Envoy
  • The eala arrows, 2 new magic items and 5 spells of the shadow fey
  • 3 new monsters: the eala, the dread horse, and the stryx
  • And much more!

Hone your dueling blade, prepare a cutting quip, and make your enemies rue they day they met you. You are a dashing scion of the Shadow Courts, and no one stands your equal!

Pick up Advanced Races: Shadow Fey today, and define your own path of ruthless superiority in your next game!

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