Adepticon 2024, Variety, 16mm Dice
by BaronOfDice
Adepticon 2024, Variety, 16mm Dice
ARE YOU READY FOR ADEPTICON 2024?! These are a Pre-sale until March 20th when they will ship. A portion of all proceeds will be donated to a local Chicago charity. These dice contain a mixture of STEEL AND RED DICE!
These contain a base of red sands straight from Chicago, swirled with veins of darker rusty reds and inlaid with a pure white; combined with dice that contain a mixture of oil swirled grey and smokey whites and inlaid with a true bright gold; hand swirled resin 16mm dice. The symbols are on the 6 side. Our premium dice come with unique reusable tins.
Inspired from Cogs, Gears, Skulls, and Machines everywhere.
These are a Baron of Dice original. They are in no way affiliated with Games Workshop, Mantic Games, Kings of War, or any other brand. All designs are on