Castle Falkenstein: The Lost Notebook of Leonardo da Vinci
Castle Falkenstein: The Lost Notebook of Leonardo da Vinci
People will kill for them. Wizards will sell their souls for them. Wars have been fought for them. Kingdoms will topple should they fall into the wrong hands.
What are they? They're the tomes everyone in New Europa wants to get their hands on. The secrets of magickal engines; the most powerful and deadly constructions of the far-distant alternate world of CASTLE FALKENSTIEN. Based on the writings of Aristotle, written by Leonardo DaVinci, ordered destroyed by the Pope, this secret codex has been lost for centuries.
Until now.
This sourcebook includes:
- Words of wisdom, philosophy, and social critique from the Master himself; an invaluable view of 16th-century society in New Europa
- Full annotation and commentary from the greatest Sorcerous minds of the 19th century
- A compendium of Sorcerous devices
- Rules for the construction of Magickal Engines
Brought from Beyond the Faerie Veil, the Secrets contained inside this Volume can change the Face of the World! Now they are in your hands. What will YOU do with the Lost Notebooks of Leonardo DaVinci?