Old-School Essentials Advanced Expansion Set

by Little Shop of Magic


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Old-School Essentials Advanced Expansion Set


Old-School Essentials Advanced Expansion Set


Want to take your game to the next level? Pair the Old-School Essentials Classic Game Set with the Advanced Expansion Set and advance your game with reams of new classes, options, monsters, and magic inspired by the weird and wondrous 1970s Advanced 1st Edition game.


The four books in the Advanced Expansion Set detail:

  1. Characters: 9 additional classes (acrobat, assassin, barbarian, bard, druid, illusionist, knight, paladin, ranger), 6 additional races (drow, duergar, gnome, half-elf, half-orc, svirfneblin), rules for choosing character race and class separately, plus optional rules to add extra depth to character creation, combat, and spell casting.
  2. Magic: Over 100 new spells for bards, druids, gnomes, illusionists, and rangers.
  3. Monsters: 120 new monsters: mimics, piercers, shambling mounds, banshees, coffer corpses, terrible eyes, metallic dragons, liches, drow, deep ones, the terrifying tarrasque and many more classic Advanced era monsters! Includes complete encounter tables for dungeon levels 1–8+ and all types of wilderness terrain.
  4. Treasures: 150 new magic items: the apparatus of the crab, ioun stones, the deck of many things, dancing swords, holy avengers, and many more!

Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy is a "best of" old-school gaming: a complete retelling of the classic 1980s Basic/Expert game expanded with reams of extras inspired by the 1970s Advanced 1st Edition rules.

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