Quick Generator : SciFI NPCs

by Ennead Games

Ennead Games



Tags: Any system Future Modern Sci-Fi

Quick Generator : SciFI NPCs

Quick Generator Sci-Fi NPCs

Sometimes you don’t need an insane amount of tables and charts. You may just need something quick and simple to help flesh out basic details without going overboard on the details. This is where the Quick Generator is helpful, providing you with a simple one-sentence description of a particular subject.

This generator, or series of charts, is designed to help flesh out any needed details you require.

Use all of them or just one, they are entirely optional.

Sharing the personality table from “Quick Generator – Fantasy/Medieval NPCs”, the Science Fiction edition gives new careers for your NPCs or character concepts in a science fiction or modern like setting.

Some examples of the character concepts you can create are below:

  • Discouraged Physicist
  • Clever Programmer
  • Filthy Bounty Hunter