Weekly Wonders - Cinematic Dinosaurs Volume III

by Necromancers of the Northwest

Necromancers of the Northwest



Tags: Fantasy GM Tools Monsters/Enemies Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Weekly Wonders - Cinematic Dinosaurs Volume III

Dinosaurs As They Were Always Meant to Be!

Dinosaurs occupy a special place in our imagination. On the one hand, they are awe-inspiring creatures of myth and fantasy, terrible draconic creatures which no human has ever lain eyes upon, stars of novels, television, and movies. On the other hand, they were real, mundane animals, not so different from the animals we know in modern day times. As a result, dinosaurs occupy a nebulous space between fantasy and reality, and require a delicate balance to handle well.

The dinosaurs included in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary do an excellent job of presenting one interpretation of dinosaurs: that of being large, but nonetheless mundane animals, differing from a bear or elephant only in Hit Dice and size category. Like other animals, they receive little in the way of special abilities or mechanics to make them come alive at the game table. With Weekly Wonders: Cinematic Dinosaurs Volume III, we present a different interpretation of dinosaurs, one which draws on the more fantastical elements of these creatures, as seen in movies, television, games, and more. Though they are decidedly non-magical in nature, these dinosaurs can hardly be said to be mundane, with numerous new and exciting special abilities designed to evoke the sorts of action attributed to dinosaurs in other media.

In this book, you will find:

The primordial dilophosaurus (CR 5), which can blind, stun, or poison foes with its toxic spit.

The primordial velociraptor (CR 6), which employs special pack tactics to hunt its prey, has predatory cunning that allows it to apply complex strategies on the hunt, and specializes in ripping the flesh of victims it grapples.

Supplemental rules applicable to all dinosaurs and other cunning hunters, providing special rules for laying ambushes, hunting in packs, creating false trails, freezing in place, and more.

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