1948: The Super Spy

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: Classes d20 Modern Modern Monsters/Enemies Sci-Fi

1948: The Super Spy

System: d20 Modern
Genre: Sci-Fi
Interior Illustrations: 3
Page Count: 19

There are spies and then there are Super Spies. While a spy may steal secrets, sneak into a sensitive site, or deftly dodge his adversaries, the Super Spy is an international adventurer, always living on the edge. The Super Spy is an expert at gathering information, deceiving his enemies, and escaping in the nick of time. This file documents the training and prerequisites necessary for a hero to join the elite ranks of the Super Spy. Whether your hero is a British MI6 agent, a Soviet NKVD agent, or a member of some other top secret spy agency, this file offers everything you need to take your spy to the next level.

This file also offers a profile of Grachev, an elite Soviet super spy from Ukraine. Believed killed by the Gestapo in 1944, Grachev narrowly escaped with his life. While the Soviet government staged a funeral for him, doctors worked feverously to save his life with experimental treatments and bionic implants. Once recovered, the Soviets created a new identity for him and sent him into  deep cover along the Eastern front. Now operating under several aliases, Grachev orchestrates a large resistance operation in Hungary, bringing death and destruction to the Nazi occupiers.

This file also includes a brief summery of the Soviet NKVD agency, several spy-related abilities from other 1948 supplements, and a couple clandestine weapons that Grachev prefers to carry. 


This file features:

  • d20 stats for the Super Spy prestige class

  • Adventure hooks and setting information

  • d20 stats for a super spy NPC (Grachev, CR 12)

  • Background and  personality for Grachev

  • Information on the Soviet secret spy agency, the NKVD

  • d20 stats for several clandestine equipment items


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