Shadowglade: Game Master's Guide to Shadowglade

by Neo Productions Unlimited

Neo Productions Unlimited



Tags: bestiary campaign setting feats gm tools magic monsters Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Skills spells traits

Shadowglade: Game Master's Guide to Shadowglade

Supernatural suspense, horror, and action await the unwary in Shadowglade! 500 years ago, the world ended. More than that, it was forgotten, the minds of those alive scoured clean of knowledge, history, and identity. In the intervening years, society has rebuilt as best it could, new alliances have been forged and blood-sworn enemies made as the surviving nations have begun to rediscover their roots. Out in the wilds and darkness, however, not all that lurks is friendly...or human...or even alive.

The history of Shadowglade is one shrouded in mystery and uncertainty. The ruling nations and popular churches and inquisitive souls have documented what little history they could, however, in an attempt to ensure the ravages of time could not scour what little they knew ever again.

Welcome to the world of Shadowglade! Centuries ago, the world was shattered, devastated, and lost to all alive. No one knows what happened on that fateful day, nor much of anything about the world before...until now! This jam-packed Game Master's Guide contains everything you need to know about the modern world of Shadowglade and more!

Dozens of pages detailing not only the world of Shadowglade as it is today, but the world that it was before the cataclysmic Upheaval! Learn what forces conspired and led to the loss of entire civilizations and what forces arrayed, were overcome, and still lurk to this day!

Included and expanded OGL rule systems, including new materials on: Fear and Terror, Magic & Spells unique to Shadowglade, Sanity Points, Skills, Traits & Defects, and more!

Dozens of pages on starting and running Shadowglade campaigns, including advice on starting the campaign and several scenarios and hooks to get the team together, maintaining tense atmospheres and storytelling mood, and more!

BONUS! Included is a 31 page Basic Bestiary, containing approved and suggested creatures for the campaign; new, updated, and expanded looks at classic creatures suitable for the campaign setting; some basic templates to make crafting unusual creatures on the fly easier; and finally some basic encounter tables for common environs found in the realm!

This guide is intended for game masters only! Part of the suspense of Shadowglade lies in mystery, misdirection, and exploration; if you are almost exclusively a player or intended on playing in the campaign setting before running, its a good idea to leave this book be. For game masters, however, this guide contains everything you need!

About Shadowglade

Shadowglade is a magic-lite, low fantasy campaign setting modeled heavily on Renaissance era and colonial era mythology. Churches hold sway while magic is a thing of myth and folklore; technology is emerging, but fear of the unknown grips the hearts of many.

To help complement and enforce this, Shadowglade is an E10 (Epic 10) campaign setting; gameplay is capped at the 10th level, keeping gameplay in the lower, gritter levels and leaving high-level threats a very real danger and making players and GMs explore more unusual avenues to tackle dangerous and deadly threats.