Super Powered Legends: Secundus the Suneater

by Rogue Genius Games

Rogue Genius Games



Tags: GM Tools Modern Monsters/Enemies Mutants & Masterminds Sci-Fi Super-Hero

Super Powered Legends: Secundus the Suneater

Feared Across the Galaxy!

Millenia ago, Secundus, the Suneater (PL 19) created the Energy Conversion Matrix; a complex manatech-nology relic that could be assembled on a world and used to harness the power of its nearby star. They sys-tematically find only worlds that support life, and feed on the planet’s energies to survive, leaving only de-struction in their wake. Secundus, feared across the known universe as the Eater of Suns and Destroyer of Worlds, is the greatest threat to humanity in the entire Milky Way. Super Powered Legends. Because sometimes you a need a character everyone knows, even if they're meeting them for the first time.

Designed and Illustrated by Jacob Blackmon, Super Powered by M&M!

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