The Bestiary of GOP, Grand Ol' Predators

by Misfit Studios

Misfit Studios



Tags: bestiary gm tools monsters Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

The Bestiary of GOP, Grand Ol' Predators

Sometimes a group of players may find themselves frustrated with the real world's evils and incomprehensible follies. They may feel overcome with the need to take out their frustrations on something truly nasty in a game.

No ambiguity.

No questions about motivation or objectives.

You learn about the evil.

You hunt down the evil.

You deal with the evil.

This is the reason for the creatures presented in The Bestiary of GOP, Grand Ol' Predators. The monsters herein are evil, pure and simple. They want power over others, to enforce their beliefs onto the masses, or to kill, rob, and steal from others to make themselves rich. They are just plain ol' evil predators and need to be dealt with for the betterment of civilization.

So, buckle on your armor, strap on your sword, and polish your nerves of steel. The time has come to save the land from the some of the downright, straightforward evil monsters plaguing it.

There's the Ron'Pol courtier demon, ready to take your soul and horde it away, or the gingrich newt, a monster so toxic even its own mates become sick in its presence. There's also the mitt, a race of greedy, self-interested double-dealers who will do whatever it takes to make some coin, and the santorum, the remnants of a religious zealot who has come back to serve its god beyond death (whether its deity wants it to or not.)

Although the inspiration behind the content must be accepted with tongue firmly planted in cheek, the results are no joke. Each creature presented herein represents a serious threat that can be employed in any legitimate game in its own right, without acknowledging the humor underlying their creation.

This product is fully bookmarked and includes both a full color and a print-friendly version.

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