Book of Magic: 10 Arcanist Exploits (PFRPG)

by Jon Brazer Enterprises

Jon Brazer Enterprises



Tags: Arcanist Classes Fantasy Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Player Aids

Book of Magic: 10 Arcanist Exploits (PFRPG)

Book of Magic: 10 Arcanist Exploits (PFRPG)


Magic Surrounds Us, It Penetrates Us, It Binds Us All Together


The ultimate blend of sorcerer and wizard, the arcanist weaves eldritch power and bends the world to her will. Her unique class abilities, her exploits, alter magic in ways no other caster can muster. Tap into these new exploits, and your character will harness power she has never touched before.

Book of Magic: 10 Arcanist Exploits is the essential guide for arcanist players. This 5-page supplement features::

  • 5 new arcanist exploits allowing her to unleash the power of a priest, better defend against a school of magic, add spells to her spell list from another class, recall any spell from her spell book, and more
  • 5 new greater arcanist exploits by which she may prepare spells that her enemies cast at her, prevent her enemies from escaping into other dimensions, utilize domain spells, and more

Let the Power Flow Through You with the Book of Magic!

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