Ultimate Cartomancy
Ultimate Cartomancy
The Flavor
We are born, and we die. Between these two events, fate is surprisingly malleable. Sadly, these endpoints are what draw the most attention. Thousands of spellcasters seek to "cheat death" or "play god", all the while ignoring just how much power every other point on the timeline of a life happens to have.
Rather than claim to manipulate the endpoints of fate, a particular brand of divine spellcaster known as cartomancers play around in the delightfully squishy center of the lifeline. Here, fate really doesn't care what happens, and all sorts of crazy things can be brought into being.
The Process
1: When making a new cartomancer, choose the classic deck or the deathdealer deck. These cards are your collection.
2: Using your collection, build an active deck made of least, lesser, and greater portents.
3: Your hand is drawn from your active deck, but if you don't like your hand, you can discard cards to power seals, a limited resource that reduces the random nature of cards by giving you a number of deterministic "outs" per day.
Modular Customization
A: Using the Three Card Monty feat, build one or more three-card minidecks that can be unleashed whenever you need their effects.
B: Take the Multitudes of Fate feat to add one least portent and one lesser portent from the Multitudes of Fate deck to your collection. These cards aren't found anywhere else!
Product Features
- 2 base classes, the in-your-face wildcard and the classic spellcaster cartomancer
- 3 wildcard archetypes: ace, dealer, and joker
- 2 cartomancer archetypes: taleweaver and shyster
- The 78-card "classic" deck, a roll-manipulating set of abilities with a focus on big combo turns, situational power plays, and portents that are more powerful when played alongside big portents
- The 78-card "deathdealer" deck, which focuses on raw damage, debilitation, and both the suddenness and patience of death with special mechanics that reward playing some portents as soon as they are drawn or putting other portents in front of you to build power as a trigger repeatedly occurs
- The 8-card "multitudes of fate" deck, which gives eight unique options that can be mixed into the classic or deathdealer decks
- 21 pages of print-and-play cards
- Dozens of feats that allow for extensive deckbuilding customization
- Tables that allow you to run your cartomancer with a poker deck if you forget your print-and-play deck