The Rogue Alpha - A Tinker Archetype

by Interjection Games

Interjection Games



Tags: archetypes class options constructs fantasy fighter Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

The Rogue Alpha - A Tinker Archetype

Your master is dead. ...Now what?

For the first time in your short existence, the voice in your head has fallen silent. Its ceaseless, and sometimes senseless, demands were all that you had at times, your own personality shoving itself out of the way whenever "Master" gave an order. To stay is to risk the resurrection of your master and the loss of this sudden gift of freedom. To leave is to lose everything you once knew. ...Now what?

The Rogue Alpha - A Tinker Archetype is the answer to a question posed to me awhile back which ran closely, if not accurately thus: "What happens if the tinker dies, but his alpha survives?"

Good question!

The rogue alpha is a fighter archetype for the tinker's alpha that becomes available if the tinker dies or the alpha rebels against its master and wins its freedom. Unlike most archetypes, it is impossible to multiclass out of and requires that the player start play as a tinker. (Of course, this can be hit by rule 0 and I have written a section on balance issues at low levels to help GMs make a decision regarding this.)

Archetype features:

  • Experiment upon yourself with 2 + 1/2 level build points and full invention progression.
  • Activate inventions as a move action, later as a swift action.
  • Deploy a Mini-Me automaton using your own blueprint that does everything you do, just slightly more adorably.
  • Flag one Knowledge skill as a class skill, then get bonuses to it as you level.
  • Treat Intelligence as others would Constitution for hit points (Your Con is -, after all!)

This supplement requires either The Tinker: Master of Modular Mechanical Mayhem or the FREE The Invention Book to use.