Unfettered Dreams: Malefex

by Dreamscarred Press

Dreamscarred Press



Tags: Classes Fantasy Feats Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Unfettered Dreams: Malefex

The only fair fights are the ones you lose. Rise from the mean streets with the malefex, streetwise problem-solvers with a knack for curses and jinxes carefully passed down in legends and rhymes. Whether they learned from the tribe's shaman or at the school of hard knocks in dirty alleys, the malefex uses her psychic curses to set up her allies, harry her enemies, and live to fight another day.

Unfettered Dreams: Malefex is a 19 page PDF which contains:

  • The malefex, a psychic class focusing on curses and street tactics
  • 21 knocks to customize your malefex's fighting style. Make Do with the tools at hand, turn up the tool you need like a Bad Penny, or take a Cheap Shot at enemies that attack your allies.
  • 43 malefactions to curse and harry your opponents; ravage their equipment with the Sands of Time, confiscate their thoughts, or forge an enemy to all they stand for with The Waerloch's Word.
  • Expanded fluff and advice on how malefexes fit into your campaign world, and on refluffing them to bring your concept to life.
  • Feats and favored class bonuses to further customize your malefex (or other malefaction-using characters), as well as new talents for rogues, slayers, and vigilantes.
  • The rustpicker archetype, supernaturally gifted scavengers that always seem to have the right tool for the job.
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