Monster Classes: Erinyes

by Dreamscarred Press

Dreamscarred Press



Tags: Classes Fantasy Feats Monsters/Enemies Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Monster Classes: Erinyes

Since the release of the first bestiary, the first monster book, there have been those who asked - can I play something exotic, can I play a monster instead of a regular character?

This is the second release in the Monster Classes series, which gives you that opportunity - in this case to play as an erinyes, these devils who delight in fulfilling executions, using their wings to lift victims high into the air before being dropped violently back to the earth. Take the first steps on the path to becoming a erinyes with this book.

This book includes the erinyes class together with associated feats necessary to build interesting and diverse devils, that at the same time are true to the concept presented in the Bestiary. Enjoy!

This product is also part of the Monster Classes Subscription.

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