Weekly Wonders - Fog and Garden Giants

by Necromancers of the Northwest

Necromancers of the Northwest



Tags: Fantasy Monsters/Enemies Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Weekly Wonders - Fog and Garden Giants

Weekly Wonders - Fog and Garden Giants

These Giants Aren't So Jolly

These days, it seems that there is a giant for every type of terrain. Hills, deserts, forests, oceans, taigas, hot places, cold places…the list goes on and on. Despite this great variety of giants, their abilities and stat blocks tend to be quite similar, leaving one to wonder what the point of so many similar giants is, and why it is that giants seem to be so closely linked to the terrain in which they are found, unlike so many other creatures.

This book presents two new giants, whose identities are tied less to climate, and whose abilities make them stand out and differentiate themselves not only from each other, but also from other giants. The first is the fog giant (CR 13), are secretive, reclusive giants that hide in mists and haze, using it to instill fear in their foes, to protect them in battle, and even taking its form when it suits them. The second is the garden giant (CR 10), a peaceful, if xenophobic, race of green-skinned, nature-loving giants who place the safety of their carefully-cultivated plants above the lives of those who might trespass in their domain. Not only can they animate plants and greatly increase the yield of crops, but they can cause massive trees to spring into existence at a whim, and can throw entangling hedges in lieu of boulders.

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