Expanded Base Building for ICONS

by Misfit Studios

Misfit Studios



Tags: Future ICONS Modern Sci-Fi Super-Hero

Expanded Base Building for ICONS

Expanded Base Building for ICONS Helps Build a Better Foundation for Your Base

Expanded Base Building provides additional content for adding features to your super-heroes' (or villains') base in your ICONS game. This product presents over 40 new base features to consider.

Expanded Base Building for ICONS has New Base Features

The new features range from the Amplifier, which enhances some powers used within the base, to Intelligent so your base can think for itself, to something more mundane like Workshop or extraordinary like the base having its own Weather System.

Expanded Base Building for ICONS has New Base Trouble to Worry About

In addition to all these great new base features, Expanded Base Building also more than a dozen examples of ways to cause trouble for the base. Examples of base trouble range from having Accessible Bowels intruders can sneak through in the form tunnels, ducts, and the like, to Haunted or Weak Defenses.

Both a color and print-friendly version of the product are included.

ICONS and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Steve Kenson and Ad Infinitum Adventures, and are used under license.

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