Elite Training Manual (d20 Modern)

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: Classes d20 Modern Modern Sci-Fi

Elite Training Manual (d20 Modern)

System: d20 Modern
Genre: Sci-Fi
Interior Illustrations: 14
Page Count (including cover and OGL): 50

This file covers 12 Prestige Classes for the 1948 Campaign World. Some, like the Arch Mage, the Commander, and the Psionic Stalker, are gathered from other OGC sources and adjusted to fit the setting. Others, like the Nazi Occultist and the Commando, are designed specifically for this release. Stop searching through a bunch of different books and PDFs to find the right Prestige Class for your 1948 hero. This file collects all the most common and relevant classes into one convenient location.

Includes the following Prestige Classes:

  • Arch Mage
  • Artificer
  • Commander
  • Commando
  • Dark Sage
  • Ecclesiarch
  • Expert Marksman
  • Martial Arts Master
  • Mentalist
  • Nazi Occultist
  • Psionic Stalker
  • Robotics Engineer