Dept. 7 Adv. Class Update: Gravity Slinger
Dept. 7 Adv. Class Update: Gravity Slinger
The rapist's bones snapped like twigs. The burning airliner hung suspended in mid air, just inches from the roiling ocean waves. The overturned SUV floated free of your trapped kindergartener. Gravity Slingers may be hero or villain, space warping terrorist or highly trained government agent, or might hail from any country on the planet; but all Gravity Slingers have one thing in common. They're alive now because their spectacular powers emerged at the last possible second and saved them when they should have died. Some Gravity Slingers turn to science to understand their instinctive command over the universe's fundamental forces. Occasionally, genius physicists and mathematicians' achieve such a profound understanding of their disciplines they spontaneously develop the ability to warp space and gravity. These gravity savants often act as mentors for young Gravity Slingers, helping the powerful rouge psions master their gifts. Other Gravity Slingers fear their abilities, remembering the devastation and death the first manifestation of their powers caused, dampening down their abilities with drugs, discipline and even psi-controlling cybernetics. Gravity Slingers can be deadly assassins, using their telekinetic gifts to pinch off blood vessels in a target's brain, while others are excellent soldiers and super-agents, using their abilities to keep their comrades alive. This Advanced Class allows you to play a new breed of Hero! Included in this PDF are a host of new abilities including Combat Gravikinesis, Slingshot Flight, Kinetic Shroud and more! Written by Chris A. Field. Artwork by Anthony Cournoyer.