1948: Top Secret Serums

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: d20 Modern Equipment Modern Sci-Fi Treasure

1948: Top Secret Serums

Top Secret Serums

System: d20 Modern
Genre: Sci-Fi
Interior Illustrations: 3
Page Count:13

"Enemy Troops Found with Mysterious Serums!"

"British Commandos Encounter Nazi Super Soldiers!"

"Spies Report Shocking Biochemical Research in the Soviet Union!"

These headlines and others first began appearing early in 1948. Now the Data Bank has been updated with information on all 110 of these incredible serums. This file details all known fast-acting serums that are produced in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union and Japan in 1948. These serums are injected into the user via hypodermic needle. They have immediate onset times and limited durations, functioning similar to potions. However, unlike potions, these biochemical injections also cause physical changes in their subjects as the user becomes imbued with super-human power. With this supplement your PCs and their adversaries can become mutant mega-men, hybrid beast-men, and even super soldiers! Add these wonders of sci-fi biochemistry to your 1948 game today!