1948: Spy Radios and Cipher Devices

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: d20 Modern Equipment Modern Sci-Fi Treasure

1948: Spy Radios and Cipher Devices

1948: Spy Radios and Cipher Devices


Pages: 12
Images: 6
System: OGL Modern

This supplement features 15 different communication devices for clandestine operatives of the early and mid 20th century. Most are pulled straight from the archives of the OSS, KGB, and MI-6, but others are inspired by early 20th century fiction. Although intended for the 1948 Campaign World these devices can be easily added to any WWII, 1930s, or Cold War espionage game.

Within This File:

*11 spy radios including direction finding radios and wrist radios 

*4 cipher devices including decoder rings. 

*5 new feats such as Radio Man, Signal Specialist and Advanced Cryptography. 

*Broadcasting basics, explained in simple game terms. 

*6 stunning images of spy radios and cipher devices!

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