Tinkering 201: 27 Inventions for the Tinker Base Class

by Interjection Games

Interjection Games



Tags: class options classes fantasy Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition player options tinker

Tinkering 201: 27 Inventions for the Tinker Base Class

Check out The Authoritative Tinker bundle for over 20% off the tinker and its current expansions.

Logic dictates that being able to have flying robots and swimming robots is better than just having walking robots.

Unlock your inventive prowess in the wild blue yonder, on the high seas, and deep within the earth with Tinkering 201! This set of 27 brand new inventions has been carefully created to fill a number of holes and offer new tactical options that simply were not available with the base Tinker product.

Enjoy enhanced mobility with drill bits, helicopter rotors, paddleboats, and even a submersible!

Combine your combat maneuver automaton archetype and your kamikaze automaton archetype with the rocket punch and final hurrah inventions, which allow an automaton to trip, sunder, and disarm at range, even when exploding!

Further enhance your already insanely customizable static shield, but this time there's a twist! You can tap into your static shield to grant a deflection bonus to AC, but doing so reduces the damage of the shield itself.

Equip your automatons with firearms and facepalm as they blow themselves away when they misfire! Note: Proper training with firearms is required to not have your automatons accidentally kill themselves with them.

Equip your automatons with new weapons systems for new terrains! Harpoon that whale with... a harpoon, use droptubes and bombing compartments to teach those on the ground what air superiority really means, and punish enemies below you with dive-bombing drill attacks!

Program your automatons to act like any proper action movie bodyguard should with the bodyguard subroutine invention! And yes, it does work better if the automaton has speakers so that it may scream, "Noooooo!" as it intercepts shots fired upon you with its own body. That's just the way the tinker rolls.

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