Unknown Armies 3: Book Three - Reveal

by The Dragons Trove

The Dragons Trove


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Unknown Armies 3: Book Three - Reveal

An occult game about broken people conspiring to fix the world.

It's about getting what you want.

Unknown Armies presents magick as it might exist in a world informed by crime fiction and secret histories, as twisting wrinkles in reality created by greater and greater risk, sacrifice, and obsession. It plays out in a world just like our own, filled with uncanny mysteries, unrepentant horrors, and unnatural pleasures. What you do with these revelations is up to you.

It's about revealing the horrible truth we don't want to see.

Book Three: Reveal is the book of the weird for everyone. It contains:

  •     Gamemaster characters, locations, creatures, and events.
  •     Heresy and hearsay, alphabetized like a devil's dictionary.
  •     Ideas, hooks, tidbits, scraps, lies, truths, and horrors.
  •     Lists, stats, and ephemera.
  •     Even more weirdness.
  •     Even more magick.
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