Old-School Essentials Referee's Screen

by The Dragons Trove

The Dragons Trove


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Old-School Essentials Referee's Screen

This deluxe 3-panel screen provides a quick reference to the most common rules and procedures needed to run Old-School Essentials games (or any other game based on the classic 1981 Basic/Expert rules):
  • Master attack matrix.
  • Saving throw tables for monsters and all Classic Fantasy character classes.
  • Combat rules summary.
  • Procedures for encounters, dungeon adventures, and wilderness adventures.
  • Summary of options available during downtime between adventures.
  • Tables for thief skills and turning the undead.
  • Weapon combat stats, armour types, and rules for common adventuring gear.
  • Master movement rate table, listing base, encounter, and overland movement rates.

The front of the screen is graced by a fantastic, three-panel dungeon diorama painting by the legendary Peter Mullen!

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